Our Mission
To provide ongoing education and support to companies offering secure employment and career advancement opportunities to United States military veterans.
Industries have been challenged for decades to find a talent pool best suited to fill the gap of retiring team members. V.E.T.S. addresses that challenge head on, by being the link between our industry and the veteran community, while providing education on best practices and guidance.
Our History
In November 2017, Veteran Education & Transition Services (V.E.T.S.) was founded as a volunteer initiative to connect propane & home heating oil dealers who are in need of loyal employees, with members of the US Veteran Community in need of stable career opportunities. V.E.T.S. forged relationships, developed communications and establish ongoing support from the US Military’s Armed Forces Veteran’s Affairs and National Veteran Employment Outreach services.
The enhanced program first partnerships included Energy Marketers Association of New Hampshire (EMANH) and Hudson Valley Oil & Energy Council (HVOEC). This included the hiring of Sgt. Jon Skipper, a dedicated educator, trainer and recruitment specialist. In April 2019, V.E.T.S. entered into a support program role for the seven state region inclusive of New York State Propane Association (NYPGA) and Propane Gas Association of New England (PGANE).